SRC-OSS Introduction

SRC-OSS only provides a download method of source codes and scripts which are added by Charlie.

Copyright etc. depend on the Licenses that the authors choose. We, solution editors, only anounce source links (e.g., GitHub Repo Link) in solutions or in SRC-OSS File List.

SRC-OSS is a non-profit Object Storage & CDN for source code and tools mentioned in Solution Base ( and Charlie's Blog (

The Service Domain for SRC-OSS is, accelerated by Cloudflare.

The purpose of it is to provide a download method for people who have difficulties in visiting GitHub, Google Git etc., so that they can use Solution Base smoothly and happily.

Attack to it is not welcome, because Cloudflare's DDOS Protection Mechanism may stop people in need from accessing the service, especially in CLI.

Hope You'll Enjoy This! 😄

Last updated